Sergio Aguero is a foot note in the Sunderland match

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Sergio Aguero: Tenderfoot in the City vs Man Utd sweepstakes
A pain killing spray applied after the Chelsea match 10 days ago to Sergio Aguero’s foot evidently caused more harm setting off a reaction that has left his foot swollen, inflamed, and blistered.
He was missed in the Stoke City match last weekend which ended in a 1-1 draw. Roberto Mancini says he is definitely not in the line up for tomorrow’s match against Sunderland and further, lists him as doubtful for the April 8th encounter against Arsenal at the Emirates. Mancini was not a happy camper:
“We can’t lose our top scorer for stupid things like this. It is a stupid injury but not his fault. He can’t play with this injury for one week, 10 days, two weeks. I am really disappointed about what has happened. It is impossible that we can lose a player to a stupid situation.”
Can’t really write the script any better for Carlos Tevez to swoop down in his mask and cape as saviour, can we? And the bigger question who paid the physio to put that spray on Aguero? It’s that time of the season for conspiracy theorists to unite and make the implausible plausible.

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One comment on “Sergio Aguero is a foot note in the Sunderland match
  1. sergio aguero has the timing when all was lost for City.When all had failed sergio came up with
    the answer and is the Hero of all of Manchester.
    Well Done…

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