Top ten things that can happen with Klinsi out of Bayern

– Replace Bruce Arena at the Galaxy and get them to win two games, back to back.
– A corollary to the above. Tim Leiwecke declares Klinsi the real saviour of MLS and the gag
order on Alexi Lalas is finally removed.
– Sunil Gulati has him on speed dial, in case Bob Bradley slips up against Costa Rica.
– Replace Tommy Smyth because “Eine Ausbuchtung in der alten Zwiebel Tasche” sound so
much better than ” A bulge in the old onion bag”.
– Become Obama’s fitness czar and reduce the obesity epidemic by 50% by banning
– Open up an international support group for recovering divers.
-. Hollywood beckons. They need German actors who can play something other than Nazis,
barbarians or cyborgs.
– Write a book on Uli Hoeness enhanced interrogation methods aka “psychological terror”
– Wait for the MLS expansion to hit Munich. Yeah, Klinsi, finally get back at those Bayern
– Oliver Kahn, you want to come out of retirement now?

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