The most famousest of all Liverpudlians ( yes there is such a word) were surely Liverpool fans right ?
Not exactly.
Turns out that Paul is an Everton fan .
“Here’s the deal: my father was born in Everton, my family are officially Evertonians, so if it comes down to a derby match or an FA Cup final between the two, I would have to support Everton.But after a concert at Wembley Arena I got a bit of a friendship with Kenny Dalglish, who had been to the gig and I thought ‘you know what? I am just going to support them both because it’s all Liverpool and I don’t have that Catholic-Protestant thing.So I did have to get special dispensation from the Pope to do this but that’s it, too bad. I support them both.They are both great teams. But if it comes to the crunch, I’m Evertonian.”(Paul McCartney)

John Lennon and George Harrison didn’t believe there was any point to playing football .
“There are three teams in Liverpool, and I prefer the other one.”(George Harrison)
Ringo Starr,alas,is an Arsenal fan .
So the Liverpool Football Club have had to manage without the support of the fab four for all these years.If the Beatles had sung “You’ll never walk alone” – that would have been something else.
The research for this historical post is based on this article here..