Blatter blames Platini for the mess

Blatter speaking in an interview with TASS puts the ball in Platini’s court even though its football and not tennis that he is talking about.
Q: But why is your figure at the center of this attack? Is this about money, influence or politics?
Blatter: Because at the beginning it was only a personal attack. It was Platini against me.
Q :So Platini does not like you and that is why he started it.
Blatter :Yeah, he started it, but then it became politics….
Q: Why does Platini dislike you? You probably had a more or less reasonable relationship with each other some years ago. And then suddenly what went wrong?
Blatter : You will have to ask him and we will know. Because he wanted to be FIFA president. But he had not the courage to go as the president. And now we are in such a situation in football.
Okay so now you know whose fault it is.
Read the entire interview here…

While on the subject of Blatter’s amazing Blatterismic revelations here’s another one.
He said in another place that the decision to award Russia the 2018 world cup was made before the voting took place.

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