Fat Ronaldo has a secret identity.Usually the superpowered version has an inconspicous human identity – like Superman is Clark Kent .In this case it’s the other way around.The inconspicous Godzilla is actually the super powered Ronaldo…!
Incontestable proof attached……
and see what happens when he jumps after scoring a goal.We all know he has to lose weight- but this is taking things a bit too far…!
And while we are on the subject here’s Xavi bashing the other Ronaldo – saying things like “I wouldn’t want him here.At Barça, we do not have room for players who fill gossip magazines. We are hard workers and sportsmen but he, on the other hand, is uncontrollable. We have a lot of desire to continue winning.”
Hmmm ..maybe if he knew that the thin Ronaldo was actually – but wait – that secret is not out yet.
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