This was the unfortunate title to an article about his chances of scoring a goal against Chelsea on sunday – something he has not ever managed to do yet.It was an unfortunate title because Ronaldo did manage to crash – not against the Blues (yet) but managed instead to crash his Ferrari enroute to practice.His red Ferrari was badly damaged in the crash, with the front edge of the vehicle completely demolished. One of the wheels came off, ending up about 200 yards behind where the vehicle came to rest. An onlooker reported..
“The Ferrari went straight into the wall, his front left-hand wheel came off and then Ronaldo got out of the car,” he said.You can get a youtube look at what’s left of the car here..
Ronaldo himself was thankfully intact after the incident and reported for practice as usual.He must have had to hitch a ride however.That ferarri isn’t going anywhere in a while.