ESPN’s coverage of the World Cup: A tip of the hat

ESPN’s pair of experts Eric Wynalda and Julie Foudy worked well together in the opener. It’s a good team as Foudy is a very well respected player in the soccer world and an icon for all women soccer players. Plus, she has started her own Julie Foudy leadership academy which mentors budding soccer players. Eric Wynalda is MLS alltime scorer.
ESPN put together a nice profile of US Soccer just now- with the Paul Caliguiri shocker against T&T to the present day squad with Oguchi Onyewu.

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3 comments on “ESPN’s coverage of the World Cup: A tip of the hat
  1. ABC/ESPN Coverage of the World Cup was absolutely disasterous and an insult to the average fan.
    I switched to Univision and was most impressed with their professional coverage despite the fact my Spanish is limited.

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